Distant Early Warning 
Atomic project
Untitled (Eyes)
Pink Rooms
The Wreck
The Pink Room
Her Nature
As it Lays
More Videos

Productions and Collaborations

Solid Pink Productions
Her video production company


Vanity Run Amok

Vanity Run Amok is the brain-child of mezzo-soprano, Leslie Ann Leytham, who was getting frustrated with keeping her varied areas of expertise and interest separate but equal. As a classical singer and experimental musician by training and a lover of pop music, drag and television culture by hobby, she discovered that all areas/genres share a common theme: a problematic representation of female-ness via a heavy-handed use of the term “diva” (for good and for bad).

Enter Anna Chiaretta Lavatelli and Brendan Nguyen. Anna's work as a video artist directly examines femininity and its expectations in cinema, while Brendan works to combine disparate musical genres in his own work as a pianist.

Produced by this power team of like-minded misfits, Vanity Run Amok will deliver all you never knew you wanted from the TV variety show format, which will air live.


Commercials for the livestream event were produced in collaboration with Leslie, Brendan, with compositions and visions from Robert Pierzak.

“The Pefect Swish”